Tag: architettura


Giulio Bertagna




Professional experience:


From 1973, devoted myself mainly to interior design, working with several furniture showrooms. I opened my own business of interior design in 1975.

I participated actively in the AIPi membership, Italian Association of Interior Architecture in Milan, of which I was Vice President from 1982 to 1984. I was the AIPi representative at international conferences of interior architecture in Madrid (1982) and Hamburg (1983). I was a member of the AIPi Executive Committee for eight years.

After several experiences within the product and graphic design, which was particularly important in the conscious use of color, I devoted myself since 1984 to this issue as a researcher and consultant. I did research on the criteria necessary for the use of color in different projects. This criteria based on electromagnetic interactions of light with the neuro-psycho-physiologic system.

I introduced and developed the "applied chromatology" as a new method for the design of color and perception, complementing the classical culture of artistic and philosophical investigation with emphasis on physics, neurophysiology, psychophysics of vision and psychophysiology.

I performed many experiments to test color inductions on physiological reactions of human beings. To compliment and consolidate my studies, I’am recognoised by several authoritative figures in the field of optical physics, psychophysics, neurophysiology and of the scientific research on perception and color.


In 1992 I prepared for Italian Railways, the color project, then realized, for the railway viaduct in Recco (Ge), the first case in Europe. In 1993, I addressed the theme of the visual environment with the first "Perceptive redevelopment plan" for Iplom refinery in Busalla (Genoa) which was to be followed, in 2000, by the "General plan of perception redevelopment", laying the groundwork for new attention and sustainable solutions for the environmental impact of industrial development.

In 1995 I was commissioned by The Fiat Auto group for research on the color of the car habitat, to optimize driver comfort and psychophysiological conditions.

I collaborated on the color project of the new Punto and of the Multipla. During my research, I developed the theme of "biological perceptibility" and introduced new concepts to guide the perception project, where the brain phenomenon of color is closely related.


In 1997 I organised "ColorShow", a system of educational entertainment on color (Saiedue'97 in Bologna and Farbe 2000 in Cologne) together with Aldo Bottoli with which, in the meantime, we founded B&B Color Design ( Giulio Bertagna, Aldo Bottoli & Partners), located in Biassono (MB) near Milan.

B&B Color Design involved creating cultural centers of excellence for applied research on chromatic and perceptive projects, renamed "Perception Design".

In 2003, we founded Osservatorio Colore Paesaggio in Genoa, still active as an Itinerant Research Center that collaborates with various faculties of architecture and design.

The second research center was inaugurated in Lissone in November 2009 and deals with perception in the interior design for collective use such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, communities in general, public offices. Osservatorio Colore Paesaggio is administered by the Fondazione Colore Liguria, our Osservatorio Colore Interni (interior color design) in Lissone, is administered by the Fondazione Colore Brianza (www.osservatoriocolore.it)




Former professor of Perception and Color at the Scuola Politecnica di Design (SPD Milan) and at the Institute of Architecture and Design (ISAD Milan) and after many lectures as visiting professor, since the academic year 2002/03 I was Lecturer in Perception and Colour at the Politecnico di Milano, Faculty of Design where I taught for six years.


Lectures, conferences, articles, essays


I write articles about color on architecture and design trade journals; have lectured at the Academy of Krakow Jana Matejki Wzornictwa and Przemyslowego Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw. Perform training courses organized by Polidesign, University Consortium Politecnico di Milano. Speaker at International Congress in May 2008 "The hospital of the third millennium" in Alba (Cuneo), introducing the new design concept of "perception design" in therapeutic areas.


As a researcher I am engaged, with my colleague Aldo Bottoli, in the disclosure of a new culture of Color Project dedicated to designers and architects. Scientific, methodological and procedural research on the environmental perception design is the area of my interest and expertise.


In December 2009 I published my first essay: "Perception Design" with Aldo Bottoli, edited by Maggioli Publisher, targeted primarily at professional and academic education.


Education and training:


My early training was divided between humanities and technology, followed by the Faculty of Architecture in Milan and then I went on to study in France under the expert training of an interior architect; after the necessary studies and after reaching the level of education and training, in 1984 I passed the state examination at the Office Professionnel de Qualification des Architectes d'Intérieur in Paris, earning the title of architecte d'interieur (Directorate of Architecture and Heritage of the French Ministry of Culture).

I’am a member of the Conseil Français des Architectes d’Intérieur (CFAI).

Since 1984 I dedicated myself to the research on the perception design, finding encouragement and guidance of eminent personalities from academia. To date I have built approximately 27 years of research and experience on the topic of color and perception design with a scientific approach approved by academics, professionals,and many industries in Europe. I have been supervisor for two thesis degrees in interior design for the color-perception project of a kindergarten and long-distance ferries.



Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:


Graphic and pictorial representation of architecture, interior design, color as a scientific subject related to physics, neurophysiology, psychophysiology and psychophysics of vision. Color projects concerning redevelopment plans of first and second world war buildings, road infrastructure and technological services, large commercial buildings and industrial plants. Perception design projects for the humanization of schools, hospitals and places of collective activity.


Advice for identifying colors and folder organization samples for large manufacturing companies. Color perception and consulting for the automotive and design in general.



Main references:



Fiat Auto | Ferrovie dello Stato | Akzo Nobel | MaxMeyer - Duco | Mondo | Genova Acque | Erg | Iplom | Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale | Ospedale San Bortolo di Vicenza| Ospedale San Martino di Genova | Comex Group Mexixo | Nuovo Ospedale di Alba-Bra di Verduno (Cn)...


Municipalities and Province:

Municipality of Genoa | Municipality of Milan | Municipality of Vasto | Municipality of Chiavari | Municipality of Rapallo | Municipality of Rozzano | Municipality of Amalfi | Municipality of Gattinara | Municipality of Tremezzo | Municipality of Cucciago | Municipality of Menaggio | Municipality of Pieve Ligure | Municipality of Ne | Municipality of Monza | Municipality of Lissone...

Province of Vercelli| Province of Monza e Brianza...



More information:

Professional subscriptions, tasks and roles


CFAI, Conseil Français des Architectes d’Intérieur, Paris.

Member of the Centro Interdipartimentale Colore e Arte, Dip. di Psicologia Generale, Padova.

BEF/IACC, European Association of Colour Designers, Geneva.

Professor of Perception and Color, Faculty of Design, Department of Politecnico di Milano Indigo.

Scientific Director and Project Monitoring of Color Observatory.